You could win.
1st Prize - 2023 Polaris 570 2-Up 4 Wheel ATV
2nd Prize - 25 lbs. Beef Bundle
3rd Prize - Bottle of Redbreast Whiskey
$50 Per Ticket (350 Maximum Tickets Sold)
Payable by cash, check, or Venmo. Please make checks payable to PFFCOAS.
If utilizing Venmo, please contact Will Dumovich at (262)939-5079.
Raffle Drawing
October 14, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.

Any questions, please contact any IAFF L-407 Member or Will Dumovich at (262)939-5079
Winner is responsible for tax, title, registration, and any other fees associated with winning.
Raffle License: R0039507A-00301