Professional Fire Fighters Of Wisconsin
Membership Assistance Program
Ø Stress is a part of everyday life, but the stress encountered by emergency response personnel is greater than stress associated with everyday life events.
Ø When stress levels become too high and usual coping fails, negative complications can develop that adversely affect job performance and your personal life as well.
Ø Sometimes it is helpful to have someone to talk to … who will listen and understand.
Ø The Membership Assistance Program is a resource through which members can voluntarily seek confidential referral and support from fellow emergency responders who have been trained as a Peer Support Team member.
- Because of the success of this program and the Peer Support Team members, this team was invited to New York City following the attack on the twin towers and to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina to provide support to emergency responders in these areas.
Ø If you have any questions about the program please contact: Allison Lancione M.S., Licensed Professional Counselor (IT) at
Ø For confidential assistance please contact any member of the Peer Support Team listed on the attached PDF. Please do not hesitate.
Ø This program is an alternative for PFFW members seeking assistance, BUT is NOT meant to replace professional help.
MAP Team Members 2020 A.pdf